About Us

About Us

Bomma Sneakers

Growing up in Rural area of Limpopo Moletjie heading cattles and goats just like any other Village boy, walking in dusty streets pregnant with so many close to impossible dreams .

Coming from a financially constipated backround I had to work 10 times extra to realise my dream. After so many tries and failures it is my honour to present to you SA Brand Called BOMMA SNEAKERS .

Lacia Buthane

Founder & Owner


The concept of ‘Bo Mma’ is deliberate and  persuated by the Love that i have for my Mother and women in General. We are basically saying may we please appreciate our Mothers, Grannies, Sisters, Aunts, Wifes and Girlfriends every chance we get. We pledge to directly get involved in Women issues and needs.

Bomma Sneakers is a Movement in its Ideology.


Black found & Owned

Limited Time SALE!

Bomma Sneakers
